KnightRaven Ledger Services [-KLS-]

CEOVARANUS66Tax rate0%

Alliance history

KnightRaven Ledger ServicesHords of DarkLight2018-11-15 01:552020-12-16 11:032 years, 1 month, 1 day, 9 hours and 8 minutes
KnightRaven Ledger ServicesKnightRaven Alliance2007-04-07 15:342018-11-15 01:5511 years, 7 months, 7 days, 10 hours and 21 minutes
u'Member of KnightRaven Alliance -KRA-


Private members Corp

Applications by invite only

Alliance Diplomats -


Alliance Channel: KRA-Public

Currently in recievership
1) In self-defense

2) With pilots belonging to corporations who are wardec or have wardec the Knightraven Alliance.
With war targets

3) At no time do you open fire on a pilots in 0.0, unless they fire first are we are at war with them.

6) Neutral pilots in designated war zones (as determined by alliance management) may be engaged at the discretion of the individual KRA pilot or Fleet/Squad Commander and only if they are assenting the enemy ship that is engaging you.

7) Wormhole space is treated as 0.0 we go by a Not Red don\u2019t shoot and only shoot when fired on.

8) Non-combat ships (Industrials, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Freighters, Orca\'s and Rorqual) are classed as invalid targets in all areas of space regardless of standing. The only exception to this is under concord war declaration when all war targets are valid no matter the ship type.'



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